Our Mission

It is our mission to support and create public art encounters by incorporating art more progressively throughout town centers and by providing opportunities to engage and interact with it. Developing programs, partnerships and funding streams that make public art projects more attainable and accessible. We can foster an extraordinary learning atmosphere by including our youth and developing youth opportunities to create. This includes promoting art and telling stories through mural creation, display and promotion.

Goal One

Raise money for local organizations affected by the COVID-19 shutdown through a series of murals. Each mural thoughtfully designed to express gratitude to our own essential heroes.


Goal Two

Further develop youth programs that educate local young artists how to establish and promote great works of art. Foster an atmosphere that will supply a creative outlet for implementing ideas and goals.


Goal Three

Become the first Mural Arts District in the State of New Hampshire.

photo by Lucio Cicuto

Public art grabs the attention of the daily passerby, initiates imagination and activates a deeper awareness of the environment they occupy.

Greater well-being can be found when art touches our lives somehow, everyday.


Thoughtfully designed public art displays paired with a historic environment can amplify profound connections within a community. The meaningful intention of public art can inspire, confront, proclaim and educate. Most importantly, public art installations build social strength and civic attachments within our communities and one another.